Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials (1963–1967)

© Fritz Bauer Institute
With the opening of the first Frankfurt Auschwitz trial in 1963, the crimes committed in the Buna/Monowitz concentration camp also became the subject of public discussion: The codefendants, medical orderlies (Sanitätsdienstgrade) Gerhard Neubert and Emil Hantl, had worked in the prisoner infirmary (HKB; Häftlingskrankenbau) of Buna/Monowitz. Therefore, several former inmates of the Buna/Monowitz concentration camp also gave evidence in court. Further proceedings against Neubert were conducted in the second Frankfurt Auschwitz trial, which ended in his sentencing in 1966 to three and one-half years in prison. In the third Frankfurt Auschwitz trial, former prisoner functionaries were investigated; Josef Windeck and Bernhard Bonitz received sentences of life in prison.